Featured Activities

Diversifying the HPC Community and Engaging Male Allies

Argonne’s Valerie Taylor will be featured as the Distinguished Speaker at the International Women in HPC Workshop entitled “Diversifying the HPC Community and Engaging Male Allies.” The workshop, the eleventh in the series, will celebrate the success of women in HPC, their recruitment, and the mentoring of women in the workforce.

This year’s workshop will focus on maintaining connections in a remote working world; driving career growth in a distributed world; avoiding home and work life collisions and establishing coping strategies; establishing a framework to unlock successful career change; embracing and benefiting from diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace; and raising mental health awareness in the workplace. The event will also include short lightning talks by women working in HPC.

Sunday, November 14, 2021 – 2:00pm – 3:00pm CST